Sunday, 1 April 2012

1D - Flickr Account is up and runnnning...

I have finally set up my flickr account, it has took me quite a while as has been extremely temperamental everytime I tried to set the account up, but fear no more I am up and ready to roll!  So I have split my images uploaded up into 3 different categories or 'sets' as they are known on Flickr.  Please take a look if you wish...

In the module we have been asked to use an account such as flickr, but we can also use other imagebanks.  I thought I would just let you all know about an image bank called Instagram which works very similarly, but also lets you edit pictures in-to formats you may desire.  It's a really good quick website to use (and the app is easily eccesible via an iphone) and I hugely recommend it, for those of you who already use it will notice I have used a few of the editorial features in my images on Flickr. 

I studied photography at secondary school and loved every moment of it, I would literally lock myself in the dark room for hours on end, and if I had not initially pursued a career in theatre, would have definitely have gone down this route!
I love editing photographs - I think you bring out the magic in an image and create something even more interesting, if you play with depths of fields, contrasts in colour etc you have even more to look at!

Happy photographing!!

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