I attended the 1st campus session lead by Paula on Friday which was really useful in terms of putting oneself back into the think tank after what felt like such a long time off!
I was able to get more clarity for module 3 which helped immensely, there is a lot of hard work to do, but I have now entered the tunnel, hoping to see this light at the end!
Paula went through a powerpoint presentation, breaking down module 3 in a simpler form, in terms of what is expected of us to form our inquiry etc it was really useful, and I suggest if you couldn't make the session definitely downloading the presentation. I will be going over it often!
We started the session by discussing the real basic question of 'what actually is an inquiry', basically what are we all doing??
We can use the below 'inquiry cycle' with regards to any particular topic.
The above is also relevant to Kolb's cycle that we looked at in Module 1. Connecting the 2 more closely I think will be very interesting to look further into.
We need to ask questions, read & learn, look & listen, analyse & interpret, start & plan...
We also discussed literature reviews and how Summon as a tool - found on the libguides is great for finding literature, it's split into genres by articles - press reviews, trade reviews etc which is really helpful, especially if you're like me and through your own research have found the most interesting or relevant articles to be taken from press, at least now I can back up my discussions further where necessary with some sound academic literature.
We discussed how it was important to keep a 'where are you now timeline', just to ensure that you don't get on top of yourself, especially as we have all come this far, we really need to keep on trck for this final, but oh so important module!
We were asked to send our advisors feedback and a loose breakdown of where we are now, at first I wasn't sure what to write, but once I put pen to paper it all became a little clearer.
Everyone is at a loose end where to start, but I suggest putting pen to paper and making a head-start, as the sooner you do this, the sooner your inquiry will begin to take shape.
Happy inquiring...