Sunday, 12 February 2012

1st Campus Session
Our first campus session was lead by advisor, Adesola Akinleye.  It took me a little while to gain a  complete understanding of the course and what was exactly being asked of us, I was advised by colleagues to not get stuck in a rut - over complicating and over anyalysing things, and start getting on with the tasks in hand. Over time I was assured this would further my knowledge and stand me in good stead for future tasks, so this is what I have every intention of doing. 
After the introductions to the course advisors and fellow BAPP colleagues, we discussed the tasks for Module 1 and how to get set up and blogging!  We were asked to group up and provide individual views of what the 1st campus session had meant for us in terms of where we'd come from, and where we want to be with regards to completing the BAPP's course.  My group came up with the concept of how we are all individual professionals meeting up with inital ideas of what we want from the course and where we would like to be after completing the degree, paths will inevitably cross, different ideas are created and brought to the table, influenced by others.  It's somewhat like the london underground, you get on at 1 stop, heading directly for your final destintion, but influences throughout the next year will enable you to get to your final destination via a number of different routes, gathering experiences along your journey. 



  1. I liked the idea of the tube map I just wrote about it on my blog, how we can spend any length of time at a 'stop' before jumping back on the journey on a different route..

    1. I think that decision can be entirely your own Nina, the journey is completely yours to choose...

  2. I went shopping on Oxford street last Friday and when it came time to go the Oxford Circus stops were jampacked - so instead I followed my nose and ended up at Piccadilly circus. Managed to buy small gifts in Godiva chocolate and passed Liberty but did not have the energy or income to visit this time round... it was good fun to take the diversion and would also recommend diversions for others on the course as time allows - sometimes it helps...

  3. Wow Hannah! Thanks so much for posting this concept of the London Underground. I have just spent the last hour or so go off on a what may be a tangent, finding out what the London Underground concept brought up for me. Please do take a look at my BLOG and tell me your thoughts..?
    Thank you!
    Jo :-)
