Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Task 2B

It has taken me a while to get around to doing this task, mainly because I have been completing it slowly over the last few weeks building up a journal of notes - and it has actually makes very interesting reading.  By looking at the 9 suggestions from the reader it is wholesomely clear to me that the 'list method' is my method!  I am a very organised individual, and use lists everyday in both my personal life and my practice, and I think this is why it comes so naturally to me.  I like things to be clear and concise - I find it easier to work like this, and I find that a few words trigger a memory for me as to why I wrote it in the first place, I don’t need lots of words to back up my thoughts.

Looking back over my 'description' method summary, I have stated that although it is a clear format for me, it is not terribly personal and therefore not hugely reflective.  When it comes to writing a journal, I would probably use the description method at the start of a journal to log my exact location and time to depict the main events before I went on to describe them further.

My daily practice differs every day and my feelings and emotions reflect my actions of the day, therefore I didn’t feel a graph or chart depicting how happy or stressed I felt that particular day without any explanation could help me with reflection in terms of journal writing.

I loved the 'what if' method and it helped me push creative thoughts, but it also was slightly depressing as would also bring me back down to earth!!  Therefore I may use it in my journal writing to push ideas, but not as a sole method.
I am pleased to have worked through this task, as it has made me look at different writing methods that I wouldn’t have thought of even using before.  Although I recognise that I feel comfortable writing in the list method, I am excited to use different methods alongside this in my practice, such as the evaluation method that in my view can only help me reflect and learn which in my job is vitally important.  When a season next launches (the end of that current seasons buying cycle) I can look at what I have learnt, assess what has worked well, notice/discuss things to avoid for next season.

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